
Xi: China-Germany cooperation more stable, more solid and more dynamic


China-Germany trade is currently developing steadily, two-way investment enthusiasm is high, and cooperation between the two countries is becoming more stable, more solid and more dynamic, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday.

Xi made the remarks when he held video talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Noting that China-Germany relations have entered the second 50 years, Xi said that China and Germany, as all-round strategic partners, had worked together in the spirit of mutual benefit and grown together in the spirit of mutual learning and exchange, which is the valuable experience of the smooth development of China-Germany relations over the past decades, and should be cherished and passed on by both sides.

Xi said that China had put forward 24 specific measures to further optimize the foreign investment environment and he had announced major measures at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, such as lifting restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector and deepening cross-border trade in services, which will provide greater opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

More than 130 German companies will participate in the sixth China International Import Expo, which will be held from November 5 to 10 in Shanghai.

It has shown the confidence of German companies in China’s development, Xi said, adding that it is hoped the German side will also adhere to a high level of two-way openness for Chinese enterprises’ cooperation in Germany.

Noting that the two countries have established a dialogue and cooperation mechanism on climate change and green transition, Xi urged both sides to hold their first dialogue to deepen cooperation on climate protection, green transition, environmental governance and biodiversity conservation.

As the international situation is undergoing great changes with intensified geopolitical conflicts, sluggish economic recovery and recurrent Cold War mentality, both China and Germany should not only develop good bilateral ties and be a model of win-win cooperation, but also safeguard the international order and multilateralism and work together to address global challenges, Xi stressed.

He also noted that China-EU relations bear on the stability of the world order and the prosperity of the Eurasian continent, which deserve the full support and development of both sides, and expressed hope that Germany would push the EU to uphold the principles of marketization and fairness, work with China to uphold fair market competition and free trade, and maintain the stability of global industrial and supply chains.

Scholz told Xi that the deepening of Germany-China relations has shown more possibilities and broad prospects as a new round of Germany-China governmental consultations has been successfully held, dialogue and exchanges at all levels have been rapidly resumed, and economic and trade relations have been closer over the past year.

On Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Scholz outlined Germany’s views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukraine crisis, and expressed the hope of maintaining close communication with China.

Xi pointed out that whether it is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or the Ukraine crisis it is necessary to think more deeply about security issues, and promote the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture to solve the root cause.

Squeezing the security space of other countries and supporting one side while ignoring the legitimate demands of the other side will lead to a regional imbalance and the expansion and escalation of conflicts, he added.

Both China and the European side should be devoted to mediating conflicts, easing tensions and playing a positive role in promoting regional peace and development, said Xi.

(Cover: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz via video link, November 3, 2023. /Xinhua)


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