About NSN

NSN is an Islamabad-based global news service provider (registered with the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 2012) that takes pride in news reporting in English, Urdu and Chinese languages.

NSN, with a vision and mission of Development Journalism, uses the power of digital media for impactful communication. As an emerging news platform, NSN focuses on events, policies and projects related to development taking place in emerging Asia, Eurasia, Africa and Latin America.

NSN Team produces engaging news content, reports, views, commentary, and valuable visual content on development themes #SilkRoad, #Regional Connectivity, #Win-Win Cooperation, helping the public, policy makers and politicians to understand the emerging Asia.

NSN gathers information using a network of journalists, writers, contributors and freelance “stringers” and disseminates to TV channels, newspapers and digital media platforms across Asia and beyond. To continue the missionary role of Legacy Journalism, NSN engages the best thinkers and intellectual minds on panel.

NSN produces well-researched features and reports, explainers, interviews, video programs and documentaries, books and podcasts. NSN disseminates unique, interesting stories and inspirational narratives as well as hard-hitting critiques of policies, critical analysis and expert’s opinions on Asian matters.

Also, NSN team is interested in news-exchange agreements with foreign news-agencies, regional and international news outlets to promote the global harmony by introducing the positive values of other nations.

NSN Team believes that media must have a higher purpose beyond the essential goal of keeping people informed and that’s why it places special emphasis on harmonious engagement with the journalist community to build shared future and shape a better world.

Thanks for the time, patience and support.


Editor-In-Chief, NSN.Asia

Email: NSNASIA360@Gmail.com


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