


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a speech at the UN General Assembly on Saturday that time was ripe for trust-building measures between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, and that Moscow’s troops would help that.

Lavrov accused the West of trying to force themselves as mediators between the two countries, which he said was not needed.

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“Yerevan and Baku actually did settle the situation,” Lavrov said. “Time has come for mutual trust-building. There are Russian troops who will certainly help this,” he said via translation.

Russia has peace-keeping missions in Nagorno-Karabakh, a separatist Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan where Baku launched an offensive this week.

The ethnic Armenian leadership of breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh said on Saturday that the terms of their ceasefire with Azerbaijan were being implemented, with work proceeding on the delivery of humanitarian aid and evacuation of the wounded.

Read more:

Azerbaijan promises to treat Karabakh Armenians as ‘equal citizens’

Karabakh Armenians: Terms of September 20 ceasefire being implemented

Azerbaijan says it sees amnesty for Karabakh Armenian fighters who lay down arms


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