Central Asia

National security chief Tashiev: “Give birth to as many children as possible, each family should have 5-6 kids”

National security chief Tashiev: “Give birth to as many children as possible, each family should have 5-6 kids”

AKIPRESS.COM – “Each family should have at least 5-6 children, then Kyrgyzstan will develop,” National Security Committee Chairman Kamchybek Tashiev said at the opening ceremony of the Akylman kindergarten for children of servicemen of the State Border Guard Service.

“The country cannot develop otherwise. If you are married and your health allows it, give birth, give birth as many as possible. Our employees will provide the rest: housing and salaries. Among our employees there are single and unmarried women. I recently told them to start families. Without family and children there will be no future,” he said.

Tashiev recalled that the country’s population has now exceeded 7 million people. “We must reach the figure of 10 million people, 20 million people. Children are our future. Tomorrow they will lead the country, ensure the security of the state and serve people. We must take care of their education and development,” he noted.

He added that the employees of the State National Security Committee have a difficult job and in difficult days they are supported by their families, wives, children, and thanked their wives.

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