
Health Talk: Gen Z hair loss is real, expert suggests going old school

The age of individuals seeking medical help for hair loss is decreasing in China.

Liu Ling, a professor at Xijing Hospital of Air Force Medical University, noted that her patients used to be in their 40s, but now even middle and high school students are seeking consultations.

She explained that genetics is not the sole factor contributing to this trend, noting that “stress from school and work matters.”

Liu added that those engaged in high-intensity mental work are at a greater risk of experiencing hair loss. She cited her own field as an example, noting that medical students are particularly susceptible to this issue.

She quoted one of her students as saying, “Despite academic success, my hair is half gone.”

To mitigate stress and promote overall well-being, Liu recommended that young people adopt healthier lifestyle habits, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of older generations.

Watch: Expert tips for easy self-assessment on hair loss

(Liu worked at Xijing Hospital at the time of the interview but has since moved on to work at Tangdu Hospital under the same university. Gao Yuxin and Peng Yuhan contributed to the story.)

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