
President Xi meets Serbian president


Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday in Beijing.

Xi said he was very pleased to meet his old friend and extended a warm welcome for his attendance at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Calling Serbia “an ironclad friend” of China, Xi said bilateral relations have withstood changes in the international landscape over recent years and are an exemplar of friendly relations between China and European countries.

The two countries have promoted cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction, while continuously improving the depth, breadth, quality and efficiency of cooperation, Xi added.

Xi also urged the two sides to promote cooperation in digital economy and technological innovation to foster new growth.

Additionally, he encouraged the two sides to strengthen cooperation in culture, education, tourism, sports and other areas.

In the face of profound changes unseen in the world in a century, Xi emphasized that both sides should view China-Serbia relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, support each other’s core interests, major concerns and chosen development paths.

The Chinese side firmly supports Serbia in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and is willing to continue to strengthen strategic alignment with Serbia, deepen traditional friendship and achieve more practical results, he said.

Vucic said that the bilateral relations of the two countries have withstood various tests and he is proud of the ironclad friendship between the two countries.

He said that Serbia pursues a friendly policy towards China, stands with China on all China-related issues and adheres to the one-China policy.

The Serbian president appreciated China’s adherence to mutual respect and equal treatment and provided timely and valuable support when Serbia faced difficulties.

Vucic said the Serbian side supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative President Xi proposed, and will continue participating in the joint construction of the Belt and Road and deepen friendly cooperation in various fields. 

He hoped both sides will intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

After the meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation documents, such as a mid-term action plan in jointly building the Belt and Road, a memorandum of understanding on industrial and investment cooperation and a free trade agreement.

(With input from Xinhua)


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