Central Asia

Cost of new airport in Jalal-Abad estimated at $400 mln

Cost of new airport in Jalal-Abad estimated at $400 mln

AKIPRESS.COM – The site for construction of the new airport has been chosen in Jalal-Abad town.

For these purposes, 360.12 hectares of land are planned to be allocated on the territory between Kurmanbek rural municipality and Bagysh rural municipality of Suzak district.

According to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chief of the National Security Committee Kamchybek Tashiyev, the airport will be located along the North-South Alternative Road.

“On this road [from Jalal-Abad] to Issyk-Kul it will take only 4 hours drive. Here not only Jalal-Abad region, Osh and the south of the country, but also Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions will be served. People will arrive here and get there faster from here than from Bishkek. There is no pass on the new road, there are tunnels. In addition, the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway will be built on this section,” Tashiyev noted.

The airport runway will be 3,600 meters long. According to Tashiev, the international airport will become the largest in the Ferghana valley.

The investment will be more than $400 million. Construction work is planned to start in spring 2025.

“We have talked with investors, the construction should be completed within 2 years. Earlier, President Sadyr Japarov set the task of building a new airport in Jalal-Abad. Investors are from Turkey and Russia. The Cabinet of Ministers is working on the issue of concluding contracts and conditions for construction,” Tashiyev said.

There are oil storage tanks of 1000 and 2000 cubic meters in 700 meters from the runway. Due to the increase in population, citizens continue to build houses on the grounds located near the airport bringing new land under cultivation.

There are 530 residential buildings and 60 multi-storey housing units around the airport. The total population living in them is 34 thousand.

It also was reported that construction of multi-storey residential buildings is being planned on the site of the current airport, presumably, within the framework of the government mortgage lending.

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