EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Project in Egypt

  • EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Cooperation Project, TIGARA, in Egypt
  • The European Union and UNIDO sign the TIGARA project
  • (TIGARA), trade, industry, growth and rapid market access project aims to drive Egypt’s industrial growth, enhance small and medium-sized enterprises competiveness, boost local & international trade
  • TIGARA project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNIDO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Industry and Transport.

By: Muhammad Arif, Editor NSN.Asia

Cairo: The European Union (EU) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have launched a cooperation partnership titled, “trade, industry, growth and rapid market access (TIGARA)” which aims to drive Egypt’s industrial growth, enhance small and medium-sized enterprises competiveness, boost local and international trade.

The cooperation partnersip was signed by the Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, and the Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Affairs and Minister of Industry and Transport

According to details, the new project will be funded by the European Union (EU), and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), titled ” European Union support to trade, industry, growth and rapid market access (TIGARA)”.

EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Cooperation Project, TIGARA, in Egypt Aug 21 2024 NSN Asia 2
EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Cooperation Project, TIGARA, in Egypt Aug 21 2024 NSN Asia 2

The signing ceremony took place on 19 August 2024 at the premises of the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation in Cairo, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing cooperation between Egypt, the EU, and UNIDO.

The signing ceremony witnessed the participation of key stakeholders, including the European Union Delegation to Egypt, UNIDO, and high-ranking officials from various Egyptian ministries involved in the project. With a total budget of EUR 8,000,000, TIGARA is designed to enhance the competitiveness and efficiency of Egypt’s industrial private sector leading to foreign and local trade growth, with a special focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

TIGARA is funded by the European Union with a contribution from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and is implemented by UNIDO over the period of 5 years.

The project is structured around two main axes: one supports the Egyptian eco-system to foster SMEs competitiveness, and another provides technical assistance to the private sector to enhance its competitiveness. The major axis of intervention is the improvement of the industrial policy framework, enhancing institutional capacities, upgrading the national quality infrastructure system and boosting SMEs’ competitiveness through cluster development, compliance with market access requirements, and the adoption of digital technologies.

EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Cooperation Project, TIGARA, in Egypt Aug 21 2024 NSN Asia 5
EU, UNIDO Launch Industrial Development Cooperation Project, TIGARA, in Egypt Aug 21 2024 NSN Asia 5

Special thanks to H.E. Dr. Rania ElMashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, H.E. Lieutenant General Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir, Minister of Industry and Transport, H.E. Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt and H.E. Mr. Patrick Jean Gilabert, UNIDO’s Regional Office Hub Representative in Egypt for their inspiring remarks and commitment to this transformative project.

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