Central Asia

Jumgal residents raise issues to be addressed during meeting with first deputy cabinet chief

Jumgal residents raise issues to be addressed during meeting with first deputy cabinet chief

AKIPRESS.COM – First deputy chairman of the cabinet Adylbek Kasymaliev held a meeting with Jumgal district residents.

The local people raised the issue of granting Jumgal district full status of a mountainous area, returning a number of buildings to the state, including Kolmo camp that was privatized, creation of recreation zones, increasing the number of processing enterprises, and some private issues. 

Additionally, locals spoke about creation of a public transportation inside the district and opening of a veterinary laboratory. They also raised the problem of pasture lands, land parcels, outrage over the work of law enforcement bodies, as well as lack of doctors. 

Governor of Naryn region Altynbek Ergeshov responded that the problem of the lack of health workers will be addressed via introduction of voucher education system: tuition fees of 9 medical students, three of whom are from Jumgal district, will be covered by the state.  

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