Middle East

Egyptian Journalists Syndicate,TikTok Sign Co-operation Protocol to Enhance Digital Awareness

The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate and TikTok, the global leading short video platform, have announced the signing of a collaboration protocol aimed at enhancing digital awareness and media literacy, as well as raising understanding of misinformation detection and online privacy protection.

The protocol was signed by Khaled El-Balshy, Head of the Journalists Syndicate, and Raghdah El-Azab, Head of Communications at TikTok MENA, in the presence of Journalists’ Syndicate board members and TikTok representatives.

Under the protocol, the Syndicate and TikTok are organising workshops designed to equip journalists and the syndicate’s members with essential skills to navigate digital technology and tackle contemporary media challenges in a safe and effective manner.

These training sessions will delve into misinformation verification, online privacy protection, and the creation of safe and effective digital content. This initiative reflects the commitment of both the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate and TikTok in fostering digital literacy and awareness within the Egyptian community.

It also aligns with the Syndicate’s strategy to provide continuous training for its members, helping them adapt to the rapidly evolving media landscape and enhancing their ability to deliver accurate and clear media messages.

Khaled El-Balshy, Head of the Journalists Syndicate, remarked, “The signing of this protocol is an important step in introducing advanced training content that aligns with developments in journalism. He confirmed that this event marks the actual start of activating the protocol, and there will be a training plan on dealing with digital journalism and artificial intelligence.

Al-Balshy emphasised his welcome to the collaboration with TikTok in this field and invited journalists to benefit from the training plan in the coming period.”

Raghdah El-Azab, Head of Communicationsns at TikTok MENA, stated, “Promoting digital culture awareness has always been one of our primary goals. We are proud to partner with the Journalists Syndicate, the official body representing numerous opinion leaders and content creators across various media platforms.

This collaboration allows us to train more members on digital safety, authentic content identification, and combating misinformation, thus positively impacting their professional performance and enhancing their role in enlightening the community.”

As part of this collaboration, TikTok has organised workshops on digital safety, mental health, misinformation, and AI-generated content, attended by TikTok’s team, Syndicate board members, and several journalists.

The workshops are structured into two main sessions. The first session introduced TikTok, highlighting the platform’s features, tools, and safety measures, and demonstrating how to create educational and entertaining content.

It also covered fundamental principles of digital safety, best practices for protecting personal information, and maintaining privacy, alongside the tools provided by the platform to ensure user safety.

The second session focused on addressing misinformation and AI-generated content. It included tools for identifying and detecting false information, the role of fact-checkers, and the verification process on the platform.

The session also included case studies of misinformation incidents and effective response strategies, an understanding of the implications of AI-generated content, along with a review of TikTok’s policies, ethical considerations, and the future of AI in content creation.

The session also highlighted effective fact-checking techniques and tools, helping participants enhance their skills in detecting and addressing false information.

TikTok’s commitment to forming strategic partnerships with various entities and institutions underscores its dedication to supporting digital safety, combating misinformation, raising privacy awareness, and promoting digital learning.

TikTok has developed advanced tools for detecting false information and adopted strict data protection policies to provide a safe environment for its communities. Additionally, TikTok supports educational initiatives to enhance digital skills, ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI in content creation.

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