Middle East

54th regular session of Arab Permanent Committee on Human Rights kicks off

CAIRO – The 54th regular session of the Arab Permanent Committee on Human Rights (the main committee in the Arab human rights system) kicked off and will run for three days at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League.

The session is chaired by Ambassador Talal Khaled Al-Mutairi, from Kuwait, and with the participation of the relevant government agencies in member states and the entities concerned with the Arab joint action system.

Addressing the opening session, Al-Mutairi affirmed his determination to continue the diligent efforts to promote the culture of human rights in a manner that promotes Arab concerns and priorities, and meets the Arabs’ hopes and aspirations in a bid to advance the rich trajectory of joint Arab human rights work.

He voiced hope over reaching out to signs of resolving the crisis appearing on the horizon in the occupied land of Palestine. Hope remains despite the field situation and the Israeli occupation’s persistence to continue scorched earth policy, he said, noting that the voice of truth was reflected in the opinion issued by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on July 19, regarding the illegality of the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza for 57 years.

He promised to continue work towards the withdrawal of the occupier and the restoration of the Palestinian people’s freedom and dignity, armed with their determination and faith in the justice of their cause.

Al-Mutairi emphasised that Palestine is our priority and the foremost Arab issue, and it has been at the top of the agenda of the Permanent Committee since its establishment in 1968. He praised the struggle and continuous, earnest efforts of the proud Palestinian people, men and women, children and elders, to achieve their freedom, independence, and legitimate, inalienable rights to live in peace and security.

Al-Mutairi explained that among the permanent items on the agenda of the sessions of the Arab Permanent Committee on Human Rights is the Arab Charter on Human Rights, through which we seek the accession of all member states as well as the regular submission of periodic reports to the Charter Committee.

He pointed out that in connection with the Arab Charter on Human Rights, and specifically its date of entry into force, the session is to select the theme for the “Arab Human Rights Day” for the year 2025. 

The General Secretariat of the Arab League has presented three proposals: “The Right to Adequate Food,” “The Right to Privacy and Other Human Rights in the Digital Age,” and a proposal titled “Human Rights Have No Age… Together We Support the Elderly.”, he said. 

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