Middle East

WHO warns polio virus discovered in Gaza Strip

NEW YORK – The virus responsible for causing polio has been discovered in the Gaza Strip, according to the World Health Organisation, or WHO.

The virus was found in six areas at the end of June, WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier said.

“It is important to emphasize that the virus has only been isolated from the environment.” No associated infections are known at this time, and no associated cases of paralysis have been recorded.

WHO is working with local authorities to carry out a risk assessment. One possible response would be an immediate vaccination campaign, the organisation said.

In view of the destruction of many health facilities in Gaza, the already precarious situation of the population and the difficult hygienic conditions, the chances that diseases can be prevented by vaccination is generally increased.

Parts of the sewage system in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed by the war and open sewage pools have formed in some places.

The Gaza Health Ministry warned that viruses found in sewers near refugee tents could trigger a “health catastrophe.” Thousands of people are at risk of infection. 

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