East Asia

Pet dogs and strays suffer in Asia heatwave

Kolkata has sweltered through days of punishing heat, peaking at 43 degrees Celsius for the hottest single April day since 1954, according to the city’s weather bureau.

Streets of the normally bustling colonial-era capital have been almost deserted in the afternoons as its 15 million people do what they can to stay out of the sun.

But even cats and dogs lucky enough to have an owner have been susceptible to falling ill, with Das saying the heat had triggered a surge in dehydration-related illnesses in pets from around the city.

Teacher Sriparna Bose said her two cats had become sullen and withdrawn in a way she had not seen before when the heatwave hit.

“They are refusing food,” she said. “They hide in dark, cold corners of the room and won’t come out.”

The situation is worse for the 70,000 stray dogs estimated by municipal authorities to live on city streets, which have no owner but are often fed and tended to by nearby residents.

Many are spending the day taking refuge from the sun under parked cars, while a lucky few are hosed down by sympathetic humans to help them cool off.

“They are finding it difficult to stand on their soft paws because the roads are so hot,” said Gurshaan Kohli of Humanimal Foundation, a local animal welfare charity for stray animals.

“Scores of dogs and cats have died” even though he and his colleagues had rushed them to clinics for treatment, he added.

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