
China’s Peking University Invites Global Scholars for Yenching Global Symposium 2023

Peking University's Event on Understanding China

Beijing: Peking University’s Yenching Academy, invites global cohort of scholars to join this unique intellectual environment with strong leadership potential and a readiness to participate in nuanced, interdisciplinary discussions on questions surrounding China.

Yenching Global Symposium for 2023 in China NSN ASIA
Yenching Global Symposium for 2023 in China NSN ASIA

Academy’s flagship event, the Yenching Global Symposium (YGS) aims for cultivating a new generation of global citizens.

Yenching global symposium for 2023 invites applicants with strong leadership potential to explore connections and opportunities for cooperation along three dimensions:

  1. Geographical Affinity
  2. Cultural Affinity
  3. Human Affinity

Delegate Eligibility Criteria

The theme for 2023, ‘互 Humanity: Cartographies of Collaboration’ if they meet the following criteria:

Born after January 1, 1992;

Possesses a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in any field at the time of application;

Will commit themselves to the entirety of the symposium, April 14-18, 2023;

Is proficient in English;

Has never attended any of the previous Yenching Global Symposiums or Yenching Social Innovation Forums.

Apply here to be a Delegate:

YGS 2023 Delegate Application

YGS provides a platform for emerging leaders, established practitioners, and Yenching Scholars around the globe to engage in interdisciplinary dialogues on China.

By: Dr.Muhammad Arif


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