Shanghai City Hosts Global South Academic Forum 2024

Global South Academic Forum 2024 concludes in Shanghai with calls for expanding cooperation to achieve the progress and development in nations of Global South.
Theme of the forum was “The Global South and Global Modernization,”
Global South Academic Forum 2024 brought together leading scholars and media professionals to share their insights on social and economic issues from the perspective of the Global South.
Shanghai: The Global South Academic Forum, themed “The Global South and Global Modernization,” concluded on Friday in Shanghai with calls for expanding cooperation to achieve the progress and development in nations of Global South.

The Global South Academic Forum 2024 brought together representatives from universities and research institutes, leading scholars and media pioneers in Shanghai to share their insights on social and economic issues from the perspective of the Global South.
In a world where imbalances in the global media landscape persist, the session explored how the Global South can break through barriers of misinformation, amplify authentic voices and redefine global narratives.
The forum was hosted by East China Normal University to amplify the voices and wisdom of the Global South.
Liu Xin, a vibrant presenter of CGTN moderated a thought-provoking discussion on “Promoting the construction of a 21st-century world information and communication order.”
Speaking at forum, VIJAY PRASHAD Executive Director, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research said “In the recent period, a new mood has developed in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Countries are saying, look, we are now ready once again to demand a place in the sun. We don’t want to be second class citizens, we don’t want to be half humanity, we want to be entirely human.”
A new mood is brewing across the Global South and cooperation in the Global South is key to shape the narratives on the Global South, said Vijay Prashad.
Meanwhile, scholars and attendees say China has been playing a crucial role in the cooperative process.
In his remark, VUYOLWETHU TOLI Head of Education Department, The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa said “Many progress and developments that you can learn from China. I come from a trade union, so the interest where you see the rapid industrialization, growth of manufacturing, the lessons is that China in terms of how it has pursued those and if those lessons can be shared with us, it will be very important.”
Commenting on the role of China for modernization in Global South, MARCO FERNANDES Geopolitical Analyst, Brasil de Fato said “Chinese is also trying to a help to support the development of other global south countries. For instance, with of course, of the be role of the Belt and Road initiative that mobilize around one trillion dollars of investments for infrastructure in the global south, but also in different platforms like the BRICS, high cooperation organization with other countries of the global south, are also more and more aware that we need to build more unity to and to have more strength, to deal with the challenges of the empire and the western powers.”
In here remarks, VIOLETTA ARKHIPOVA Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences “The possibility to construct the common financial area within BRICS and these common areas can of course include different decisions and can include the building of new BRICS currency, but in the future and the building of clearing networks and platform for payments and etc.”
In another scholar, YOSMER DANIEL ARELLAN Social Researcher and Economic Advisor, Venezuela “Financial organizations like SWIFT, the IMF, and the World Bank should consider more for the Global South and build for the Global South in order to break away from the dominance of the US dollar.”
While, NDONGO SAMBA SYLLA, Head of Research and Policy for the Africa Region, International Development Economics Associates, Senegal “There are people thinking that you could reform the IMF and the World Bank. I don’t think so. What you have to do is to create a palace system and alternative system that mean you have your own independent system and also you change a bit of your economic model. Because as long as you are in a surplus position, that means that you are vulnerable.”
During the discussion sessions at forum, “Sovereignty and solidarity were two key words that were repeatedly mentioned by speakers and attendees.

It was agreed with consensus that sovereignty is a reality that global nations seek, while solidarity, is the catalyst to reaching that goal.”
Scholars from all over the world shared their thoughts on economy, world peace and communication during the two-day event.

Scholars from the Global South called for greater financial reforms in response to Western hegemony and sanctions.
Also, experts believed organizations like the BRICS can play an important role in achieving that goal.