Central Asia

Kazakhstan suggests amendments to CSTO agreement

Kazakhstan suggests amendments to CSTO agreement

AKIPRESS.COM – The Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan proposes to introduce amendments to the agreement on status of formation of forces and means of the collective security system of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

The amendments are aimed at improving the legal framework for the presence of collective security forces in the territories of the CSTO member states.

The document states that the forces of the sending party may be sent to the territory of the host party in case of threat or armed attack against one or more parties, for crisis prevention, emergency management, humanitarian assistance, joint exercises and snap exercises.

“The decision on sending, tasks, composition, number of units, order of their subordination, locations, as well as the time of stay on the territory of the host party for carrying out tasks according to the purpose is taken by the CSTO Council of Collective Security on the basis of official request of the host party,” the report says.

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