West Asia

Pope Francis decries deaths of Gaza children in Israeli bombings

Caring for migrants has been a key theme of Francis’ 11-year papacy. He made his first visit as pope to the Italian island of Lampedusa, also confronting an influx of migrants.

“There is situation there with migrants, who are coming by sea,” he said of the Canaries. “And I would like to be close to the government and people.”

Francis was also asked about Catholic clergy sexual abuse, and the case of a French priest, known as Abbe Pierre, who was long celebrated for his work with the homeless but was later revealed to have been accused of sexually assaulting at least seven women. He died in 2007.

The organization Pierre founded, Emmaus, disclosed an additional 17 testimonies against the late priest on Sep 6.

The pope said he did not know when the Vatican had first become aware of the allegations. “Certainly, after his death, surely,” said Francis. “But before (his death), I don’t know.”

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