Al Azhar Imam, Somali Ambassador discuss boosting cooperation in dawa, education

Cairo, Sept. 1 (BNA): Grand Imam of Al Azhar Dr Ahmed el Tayyeb has praised deep relations with Somalia, noting that more than 2,400 Somali students receive education at the different institutions of Al Azhar.
Tayyeb, during a meeting with Somali Ambassador in Cairo Ali Abdi Aware Sunday, said Al Azhar also provided training for a number of Somali imams and preachers, Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported.
The meeting discussed means of boosting support for Al Azhar dawa and educational activities in Somalia.
The grand imam affirmed solidarity with the Somali people in the face of challenges and conflicts that hinder development and progress.
The ambassador said his country very much appreciates efforts exerted by Tayyeb to support Somali students and help Somalia with its fight against terrorism and extremism.
Somalia greatly counts on graduates of Al Azhar to counter extremism and refute extremist ideologies, the diplomat added.