BizFocus Ep.102: Humanoid robots: Crisis vs. improvement of life?

Editor’s Note: CGTN launches a new series called BizFocus, where anchors and reporters explore the most vibrant business sectors and events in China. Through in-depth interviews with industry experts and on-the-ground coverage, we bring you the latest developments and trends in various business sectors.
Humanoid robots are rapidly moving from science fiction to reality, driven by advancements in AI technology. Notable developments include Elon Musk’s announcement of Tesla’s Catnilla robots and Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robots. As robotics technologies continue to develop, the application of robots in the manufacturing sector, service industry, and family life has also seen increasing sharply. China-born humanoid robots are already working in the automotive manufacturing sector with higher efficiency and more accuracy. Humanoid robots are expected to be the next disruptive innovation, following computers, smartphones, and electric vehicles. It also raises concerns about whether robots would replace real human labor in the manufacturing production sector. CGTN’s Olivia He delves in to find out the answer.