Shenzhou-18 crew conducts fire alarm test, blood sampling in space

<img src='' alt='China's Shenzhou-18 crew conducts a fire alarm test in space. /CMG'
The Shenzhou-18 crew on board China’s orbiting space station conducted a fire alarm test, evaluating the performance of the fire detection sensors within the three-module craft.
The China Manned Space Agency released video updates from space, showing the three taikonauts using specialized tools to activate temperature and smoke detectors, which triggered fire alarms for lights and instruments.
<img src='' alt='China's Shenzhou-18 crew collects blood samples in space. /CMG'
The trio also collected blood samples. In addition to routine blood examinations conducted in orbit, some samples will be preserved at low temperatures and transported back to Earth after the mission for further medical study.
They underwent a range of medical checks related to blood pressure, heart rate and lung function, according to the space agency.
The Shenzhou-18 crew has completed more than half of their six-month space term since they were launched in late April. They performed two spacewalks and several scientific experiments in orbit.