Middle East

‏Defence chief inspects Western Military Zone posts, meets personnel

Sarah Saad

‏Minister of Defence and Military Production, Lieutenant General Abdul Majid Saqr, convened a meeting yesterday with personnel from the Western Military Zone as part of the field meetings that the General Command of the Armed Forces organises with a view to unifying concepts matters related to the Armed Forces.

‏Armed Forces Chief-of-Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Khalifa, and a number of commanders attended the meeting.

‏In a statement to the meeting, Western Military Zone commander General Hani Massoud, emphasised stated that zone’s personnel maintain the highest levels of efficiency and combat readiness, co-operating with the main branches of the Armed Forces to carry out all tasks assigned to them.

‏The defence minister conveyed President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s greetings to the zone’s personnel and stressed that Egypt’s security and safety rely on preserving the Armed Forces’ strength and capability to confront all risks and challenges.

‏He commended the Western Military Zone’s efforts to protect the country’s western gate against smuggling and infiltration attempts, as well as countering any hostilities in light of the current regional threats.

‏The defence chief urged the staff of the Western Military Zone to remain constantly vigilant and maintain their weapons and equipment to ensure full security control over the country’s western borders.

‏The defence minister and the chief-of-staff also inspected some border security points on the western strategic direction to ascertain the readiness and capability of these posts to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

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