
Meet the tech matchmaker | South China Morning Post

Over the years, TOJOY has specialised in connecting tech-driven growth companies with entrepreneurs seeking new business opportunities, fostering mutual development.

The company’s platform, Boss Cloud, is a digital marketplace where over 4.7 million registered users, many from traditional businesses, seek digital solutions to their business challenges.

“This platform brings together technology providers, from small companies to large tech firms and those in between, to showcase their offerings,” he explains. 

By connecting businesses with innovators

“Combining our unique consulting approach with a 30-year understanding of customer expectations allows us to bridge the gap between expectations and outcomes,” he says.

Unlike system integrators, incubators, or online software stores, TOJOY’s platform combines innovative solutions with extensive business data across various industries. This allows for precise matching of growth companies with the appropriate technology providers.

“With millions of use cases and over 200 digital transformation experts, we identify suitable technology partners for our clients,” Ge says. He adds that their team of 200 specialists and 2,000 customer service professionals work closely with companies to build their growth capabilities.

“Our model thrives on collaboration and sharing. Through digitalisation, even small businesses can improve operational efficiency, expand their operations and move up the value chain.”

From partnerships to success stories

TOJOY’s model ensures that all project stakeholders benefit from its platform. 

“Once the matching is done, both parties can choose a predefined partnership model that works for them. This streamlined, standardised process is fair, equitable and reasonable for all,” Ge explains.

More than 2,000 TOJOY customer service professionals then assist with project implementation, from negotiations and due diligence site visits to deployment. 

Over the years, TOJOY has amassed numerous success stories demonstrating its ability to drive business growth. One example is a smart car wash company that expanded from a few hundred stations to 2,000 across China within two years through TOJOY’s platform. 

“Their valuation grew six times, showcasing the power of our ecosystem,” Ge shares proudly.

TOJOY helped a smart car wash company expand from a few hundred stations to 2,000 in two years, growing its valuation six times, according to Ge.

Bringing together visionary minds

TOJOY regularly organises conferences and industry events to gather like-minded business owners, professionals, and innovators. 

In January 2024, TOJOY’s Boss Cloud, in collaboration with ZelinAI, iFlytek Spark, and other tech companies, hosted the inaugural ‘Enterprise-Level AI Application Innovation Competition’.

As TOJOY Holding Group approaches its 33rd anniversary, it has launched the ‘Entrepreneur Incubator 3.0 Strategy’ to support innovative enterprises on their path to becoming unicorns. 

In June, the 2024 Entrepreneur Summer Collaboration Summit and TOJOY Entrepreneur Incubator 3.0 Strategy launch event in Beijing attracted over 30 unicorn and potential unicorn projects, opening up collaboration opportunities.

The 2024 Entrepreneur Summer Collaboration Summit in Beijing attracted over 30 unicorn and potential unicorn projects, opening up collaboration opportunities.

Since the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2022, Chinese tech firms have been rushing to create their own large language models and generative AI applications. 

TOJOY has also joined this race, registering its Business Opportunity Large Model Algorithm in June 2024. This algorithm generates text, images, audio and video based on various inputs.

Motivated by the joy of innovation

Prior joining TOJOY in 2019, Ge had a 25-year career at Nvidia, Apple and Intel, gaining deep insights into digital transformation and project management. His decision to join TOJOY was driven by his belief in the company’s innovative business model.

“When I worked for those global tech giants, I was always entrepreneurial, constantly seeking new opportunities and ways to innovate,” Ge recalls. “TOJOY’s concept of platform and shared economies really expanded my perspective, which is why I joined TOJOY.”

Ge recognises the importance of both bottom-up innovation and top-down policies in fostering entrepreneurship. He acknowledges the Chinese government’s supportive policies promoting innovation and protecting private businesses.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and the resulting economic slowdown, Ge remains optimistic. “People are more cautious and careful now, which is actually a good thing. Careful investors and partners often lead to more sustainable and long-term success,” he explains.

Hong Kong as strategic hub for global expansion

Hong Kong plays a strategic role in TOJOY’s global expansion plans. Ge, who has worked and stayed in Hong Kong for nearly a decade, values the city’s international capital market, open and transparent system, efficient public services and global talent pool.

Ge believes that Hong Kong’s fundamentals remain strong and that it will continue to be a vital hub for TOJOY’s global operations. The sights set by TOJOY extend beyond China, now with established businesses in Europe, North America and South America.

“Hong Kong is the financial centre for the region and the world. Its open system and international talent are all critical for our global expansion,” says Ge. 

“Our business model helps tech companies grow and traditional businesses transform. The future is promising, and we’re here to make an impact.”

Ge Jun (fourth from the left), who has lived and worked in Hong Kong for nearly a decade,values the city’s international capital market, transparent system, efficient public services, and global talent pool.

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