
FBI to conduct ‘victim interview’ with Trump about shooting

FBI officials said they have interviewed dozens of people who knew or interacted with Crooks, including family members, co-workers, former teachers, classmates and others.

“We have learned the subject was highly intelligent, attended college and maintained steady employment,” Rojek said. “His primary social circle appears to be limited to his immediate family as we believe he had few friends and acquaintances.”

The FBI officials said Crooks’s parents have said they had no advance knowledge of their son’s plot. “We do find that to be credible at this stage,” Rojek said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, testifying before a congressional committee last week, said Crooks had searched online for details about the November 1963 shooting of US President John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald.

“On July 6, he did a Google search for, quote, ‘How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?'” Wray said.

Rojek said the investigation has revealed that Crooks “also made searches related to power plants, mass shooting events, information on improvised explosive devices and the attempted assassination of the Slovakian prime minister earlier this year.”

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