Central Asia

Police seize over 2 tons of illegally produced alcoholic beverages in Osh

Police seize over 2 tons of illegally produced alcoholic beverages in Osh

AKIPRESS.COM – More than 2 tons of illegally produced alcoholic beverages were seized in Osh, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

The Main Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Agency for control over the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages established that alcohol was smuggled into Kyrgyzstan from Tajikistan in Osh city. The criminals were also producing alcoholic beverages in a private house to sell them later.

“390 five-liter plastic containers with alcohol were seized from the basement of an unfinished house in Japalak rural municipality. The volume of the containers was 1,900 liters. In addition, 123 boxes, or 2,900 bottles (590.4 liters) of alcoholic beverages were seized from the garage of a house in Manas rural municipality of Kara-Suu district,” the report says.

The Investigative Service of the Osh Regional Internal Affairs Department opened a criminal case on illegal production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

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