Vice Mayor of Bishkek says smog can be caused by car emissions

Vice Mayor of Bishkek says smog can be caused by car emissions

AKIPRESS.COM – Bishkek was clean during the pandemic because there was no traffic, Vice-Mayor Taalaibek Baygaziev said.
According to him, smog can also appear due to excessive car emissions. He noted that investors had previously approached the mayor’s office and asked for a place to install about 20 exhaust gas analyzers. Baygaziev assured that the capital’s authorities will strive to reduce smog.
The Vice-Mayor of Bishkek said that the problem of smog existed in the USSR. According to him, switching to electric vehicles, clean energy and other alternatives is necessary to solve this issue.
“The mayor’s office has a trend now: we walk or travel by public transport on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These days, it’s noticeable how the number of cars has decreased,” Baygaziev stated.
He added that it is not only the mayor’s office or Gazprom that must solve problems with smog, but also the residents and guests of the capital.