Solidarity Ministry refines cash support system

Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity Maya Morsi met on Wednesday with a delegation of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to discuss the most important files of social work in Egypt.
The minister and the parliamentary delegation also discussed the need to open new communication channels by developing a new mechanism to improve communication between MPs and the Ministry of Social Solidarity for the best interest of citizens.
Minister Morsi said that the Ministry would quickly respond to MPs’ requests regarding citizens, adding that a permanent communication with MPs’ will also contribute to the completion of a number of the Ministry’s legislative files scheduled to be presented in the next legislative term, such as the Alternative Care Law and the executive regulations of the Elderly Rights Care Law.
She has said that the cash support is a key file that the Ministry of Social Solidarity is working on, noting that 73,000 new families were added to the cash support programme “Takaful and Karama”.
Morsi said the ministry wouldreview the database of cash support beneficiaries in a bid to add more needy families.
She has said Takaful and Karama beneficiaries are allowed to benefit from the digital savings and loan programme “Tahwisha” of the National Council for Women, as well as various economic empowerment programmes.
She said that Decent Life Foundation would conduct, through its volunteers present in all governorates nationwide, an evaluation of all social solidarity units and care homes to improve them.