West Asia

Climate groups split over whether Biden should ‘pass the torch’

Of eight national environmental groups contacted by Reuters, two want Biden to step aside, one wants him to stay, and the rest were undecided or declined to comment.

“Joe Biden’s inability to campaign coherently and articulate an alternative to the far right will result in lower turnout among potential Democratic voters faced with a choice between two old white men clinging to power,” said Evan Drukker-Schardl, an organiser with Climate Defiance.


Climate Defiance, which has disrupted events featuring Democratic and Republican officials and lawmakers to protest against weak climate policies and fossil fuel production, plans to blockade Democratic National Committee headquarters on Friday as they schedule a roll call vote to nominate their presidential slate.

Youth climate group the Sunrise Movement, meanwhile, has called for Biden to “pass the torch”.

“After speaking with young people across the country over the past few weeks, I am concerned that Joe Biden isn’t positioned to mobilise young people and win in November,” Sunrise director Aru Shiney-Ajay said.

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