Billionaire heiress Kim Lim recounts being stuck in a car for 8 hours during the Dubai floods

The group also panicked when the storm got bad.
“At one point, lightning hit quite close or maybe it was so bright, I don’t know. It gave us a shock. We panicked when our car entered high levels of water, we could hear the sound of water going ‘bloop bloop bloop’ and feel the waves pushing the car,” she said.
Their car started to move along to the tide of the water, and they were worried they would hit other cars. “We saw a biker fall because of this,” added Kim, who was truly shaken at that moment.
“The worst feeling was (knowing) there’s nothing we can do to help anyone,” she said.
Kim told us that one of her friends had been stuck in the airport for over 30 hours while waiting for a flight back to Bangkok.
“We received news from the airlines, but the airport still has to settle passengers from the past two days. It will be (tough) as some of the roads are not fixed yet. I think Dubai is just not equipped for heavy, heavy rainfall,” said Kim, who is now staying at the Armani hotel in Burj Khalifa.
She revealed that the hotel is also “all wet” on the inside, and even her room on the sixth floor was not spared.
“Other than that, Dubai is really a nice place lah. No choice, just one of those things. It is what it is. I’m just happy everyone is safe and okay.”
Kim is planning on flying home soon, but is still unsure when that will happen: “Let’s see when it’s less chaotic in the airport.”
This story was originally published in 8days.