
China's vice commerce minister holds video talk with U.S. counterpart


Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen and U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Marisa Lago on Tuesday held an “in-depth and frank conversion” via video on economic and trade issues of common concern and the preparatory work for the first vice-ministerial meeting of the China-U.S. economic working group, according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

Wang said that China-U.S. economic and trade cooperation is a stabilizing force in bilateral ties.

China is willing to work with the U.S. side to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state after their summit meeting in San Francisco and give full play to the role of the China-U.S. economic working group to expand cooperation, manage differences and create favorable conditions for cooperation between the two countries’ business communities, said Wang.

The Chinese vice commerce minister also expressed concerns over U.S. semiconductor and cloud services export controls against China, unfair treatment of Chinese companies in the U.S., and U.S. restrictive measures on Chinese photovoltaic products.

(Cover: A view of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. /CFP)


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