
Malaysian police arrest man for producing and selling pornographic videos to promote sex enhancement drug


A man who sold sex products showed the potency of his wares by having rough sex with women, including his clients, had his acts recorded and aired the pornographic videos on social media for more profit. But he did not last very long.

The 31-year-old was arrested at his house in Kampung Janda Baik in Bentong, Malaysia’s Pahang state on Wednesday. However, he had already had sex with more than 20 women of various races and earned about 120,000 ringgit (US$4,241).

His subscribers included men and women. He had been in business for about six months.

Two women, aged 23 and 27, were detained at the house, where the man’s father also lived. The two girlfriends had also featured in the raunchy videos sold illegally on social media.

Senior police officer Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said the man was detected promoting the videos of his sex activities via Telegram.

“The man had been married twice and has since divorced both wives. He started off selling sex medicine from China through social media.

“To earn more profit, he recorded himself having rough sex with multiple women and showed the videos – for a fee – via three channels on Telegram since last July.

“On top of having girlfriends, the suspect is believed to have been a gigolo and slept with customers or subscribers of his channel,” Mohd Shuhaily said on Thursday.

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He said the modus operandi used was to click and subscribe through promotional links advertised on Telegram before payment is made.

“After payment is made, the suspect will send another link to subscribers to watch his pornographic videos.

“As of January 16, the man had 2,051 subscribers who paid 1,000 ringgit for a package of 200 videos and 622 who paid 20 ringgit monthly for 13 videos.

“All subscribers are locals. Women who wanted to have sex with the suspect were also given conditions, including for their sex acts to be recorded. We are now tracking down other women involved in the videos.

“We found the recordings in five mobile phones seized from the suspect and his two girlfriends. Two ATM cards used to manage funds from the subscriptions were also seized,” he said.

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The trio have been remanded and are being investigated under Section 372(1)(e) of the Penal Code for promoting sex activities for profits, which carries up to 10 years imprisonment, whipping and a fine upon conviction.

“They are also being investigated under Section 292 of the Penal Code for possessing pornographic materials, which carries up to three years imprisonment and Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act for abusing network facilities. This is a first such case in the country,” said Mohd Shuhaily.

This story was first published by The Star


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