Central Asia

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January 12, 2024

The Sole Shareholder holding all voting shares of UMP JSC resolved to elect Manas Iskakov, Zhanat Umerbekov and Natalya Bokovaya as new members of the Board of Directors of UMP JSC for the period until the end of the term of office of the Board of Directors of UMP JSC as a whole (minutes of the in-person meeting of the Board of Directors of NAC Kazatomprom JSC dated December 22, 2023 No. 14/23).

Manas Iskakov


1992 – Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt-Ata, specialty «Physics and pedagogy»

2016 – National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, specialty «Technologies of Uranium Mining and Processing Companies».

Working carreer:

1992-2001 – Engineer-Physicist of Radiation Hygiene Department of Kyzylorda Regional Sanitary and Epidemiologic Station.

2001-2004 – Chief – Radiation Safety and Environmental Protection Department, NAC Kazatomprom JSC branch, Mining Administration No.6.

2004-2005 – Chief – Radiation Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Mining Company Ltd., Mining Administration No.6.

2005 – the present time– Lead Manager – Labor Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Manager – Labor Safety and Environmental Protection Office, Chief Manager – Labor Safety and Environmental Protection Office, Chief Manager – Labor Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Manager, Director – Process Safety Department, Managing Director for Process Safety (HSE), NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

Total experience in NAC Kazatomprom JSC system – 23 years. Occupying this position – 3.5 years. In managing positions – 12 years.

Working experience in managing departments of JSC and Ltd. as chairman / member / independent director:

– Since August 2022 till the present time – KAP Technology Ltd.

Zhanat Umerbekov


2000 – Karaganda Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialty «Jurisprudence».

2003 – Private Educational Institution “Management Institute”, specialty «Finance and Credit».

2018 – Federal State Independent Institution of Higher Education “National University of Research and Technology “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”, specialty – МВА – Mining Management.

Working carreer:

2000-2005 – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006-2013 – National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2013-2019 – Chief – Department of Information Protection and Records Management, Chief – Department for Protection of State Secrets, Director – Department of Records Management, Department for Protection of State Secrets and Security, Managing Director for Integrated Security of the Administration, Managing Director for Security and Relations with State Bodies of the Administration of NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

2019-2023 – Officer of National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2023 – the present time – Managing Director – HR и социальной работе Администрация NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

Total experience in NAC Kazatomprom JSC system – 6.5 years. Occupying this position – 6 months. In managing positions – 10 years.

Working experience in managing departments of JSC and Ltd. as chairman / member / independent director:

– From September 2015 till October 2019 – Qorgan Security Ltd.,

– From July 2019 till December 2019 – Volkovgeologiya JSC.

Natalya Bokovaya


1993 – Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University, specialty «Physics».

1996 – Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, PhD.

Working carreer:

1997-2000 – Senior Professor – Department of Space and Radiation Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University.

1997-2002 – Teacher, Chief of methodological association of School No. 55, Almaty.

2002-2003 – Deputy Director – Eltechnology Research and Development Company Ltd.

2003-2007 – Manager – Sales and Marketing Department, NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

2007-2010 – Director – Sales Department, Baiken-U Ltd.

2010 – the present time – Chief – Accounting and Control Division of Production Department, Chief – Department of Natural Uranium and Nuclear Materials Accounting and Control, Director – Department of Uranium and Nuclear Materials Accounting and Control, NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

Total experience in NAC Kazatomprom JSC system – 17 years. Occupying this position – 3.5 years. In managing positions – 15 years.

 Working experience in managing departments of JSC and Ltd. as chairman / member / independent director:

– 2016 – RU-6 Ltd.,

– Since 2019 – the present time– Kazatomprom-SaUran Ltd.

• Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is one of the recognized world producers of uranium, beryllium, tantalum and niobium products for the needs of nuclear power, electronic, metallurgical industry and other fields. The company is part of the National Atomic Company «Kazatomprom».

• NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the world leader in the production of natural uranium and the national operator of Kazakhstan on import and export of uranium, rare metals and nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. The Group of Kazatomprom consists of 46 companies which employ over 20,000 people. Assets include any complexes of the enterprises involved in the production chain of final products from uranium exploration, mining and nuclear fuel production to science, welfare and training.

UMP JSC Press Office

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