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A Great Success
«Fuel is distinguished by its impeccable quality and full compliance with all technical requirements» – from the letter of thanks of the RSE National Nuclear Center of RK to UMP JSC.
In June 2021, RK NNC and UMP signed a three-year contract for manufacture and supply of non-standard fuel pellets for RK NNC Pulsed Research Reactor (PRR). This is an international project with participation of French CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) within the framework of unique SAIGA project.
Evgeny Kirillov, Head of Uranium Laboratory of UMP RC:
– The main goal of the project is to study the behavior of the fuel assembly of French ASTRID reactor under emergency conditions. The realization of the task will be possible only when non-standard fuel assemblies are loaded into the IGR reactor and certain conditions are created in it.
Specialists of Uranium Laboratory with the assistance of Uranium Operations, Test Center, MASHZAVOD LLP carried out the necessary preparatory activities within a short period of time. The complexity of pellet production is due to the fact that their diameter is 6 mm which is much smaller than that of the pellets produced at UO.
The first batch of fuel pellets was produced according to the scheme we developed and met all the requirements. We sent it to the customer in 2021. We plan to produce the second batch in 2022. The third and final batch will be produced in 2023.
Manarbek Kylyshkanov, Head of UMP RC:
– The three-year collaboration between UMP and RK NNC was completed on time and to a high standard. All activities were conducted in accordance with Uranium Operations. The fuel pellets produced will be used in the international project SAIGA, demonstrating that our products meet global standards. We showcased our ability to solve non-standard tasks and highlighted the unique capabilities of Uranium Operations.