
Myanmar vows to maintain stability, order along border with China


Myanmar has reiterated its commitment to maintain stability and order along its border with China, and worked to ensure safety of Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese personnel in the Southeast Asian country.

Myanmar made the stance clear during China’s Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong’s visit to Myanmar on November 3 to 5, according to a statement by the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar on Monday.

During his visit, Nong met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Myanmar U Than Swe, and held diplomatic consultations with Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Lwin Oo, said the statement.

During the meetings, Nong said that China attaches great importance to developing China-Myanmar good-neighborly and friendly relations, and will uphold the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in neighborhood diplomacy to work with Myanmar to advance high-quality cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and push the building of a China-Myanmar community with a shared future.

He stressed that as a friendly neighbor, China sincerely hopes Myanmar will resume stability and development at an early date, and supports all parties in Myanmar in properly handling differences within constitutional and legal frameworks and achieving reconciliation through dialogue.

Nong called on Myanmar to cooperate with China to maintain stability along the China-Myanmar border, effectively ensure personal and property safety of Chinese border residents, and take effective measures to strengthen security protection of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in Myanmar.

China is ready to work with Myanmar to continuously crack down on cross-border crimes such as online gambling and telecom fraud, Nong said.

During the meetings, the Myanmar side reiterated its commitment to adhere to the one-China principle, and expressed its firm support for China’s position on issues concerning China’s core interests, as well as its readiness to work with China to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative.

It also pledged to advance cooperation on the Myanmar-China Economic Corridor, earnestly safeguard safety of Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese personnel in Myanmar, and maintain stability and order along Myanmar-China border.

In addition, the Myanmar side said it will continue to carry out joint law enforcement actions with China and other neighboring countries to combat online gambling and telecom fraud, and create a favorable environment for regional development.

Read more:

China urges ceasefire in Myanmar after fighting in country’s north


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