
Singapore’s Lawrence Wong ‘ready’ for top job, hints general election will not happen until late 2024

Singapore’s deputy prime minister and premier-in-waiting Lawrence Wong has declared that he “is ready for his next assignment” and hinted that the next general election would be called after the party’s 70th anniversary in a year’s time.

The PAP, which has governed Singapore interrupted since 1959, will be reaching that milestone on November 21 next year.

“We aim to be ready by the PAP’s 70th anniversary next year,” he said. “We can look forward to a refreshed PAP ready to fight the next election and to win the confidence and trust of all Singaporeans.”

Wong, 50, who was last year voted by his peers, the fourth-generation (4G) leaders, to take over the mantle of the premiership from Lee Hsien Loong, was speaking at a party convention on Sunday.

Setting out his vision on how he saw the party rededicating itself to win the mandate of voters, he said he wanted a PAP that was for everyone, not just supporters. Even those with opposing views had a place and deserve to be heard and seen, he said.

“The PAP is not a party for our supporters, it must be a party for all Singaporeans,” Wong said.

As for those who disagreed with the party, “as long as they are open to making common cause with us, we welcome them as our friends”, he said, outlining how he would lead.

Wong also hinted how he intended to continue with tradition by retaining the counsel of his predecessor, Lee, who has been prime minister since 2004, after he takes over.

Lee, Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean and other leaders of their generation “will continue to serve”, he said.

“They have been excellent mentors and role models and I value greatly their advice and inputs.”

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