
Chinese premier meets Serbian prime minister in Shanghai


Chinese Premier Li Qiang (R) meets Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Shanghai, China, November 4, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang (R) meets Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Shanghai, China, November 4, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang (R) meets Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Shanghai, China, November 4, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang met Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Shanghai on Saturday, who came to China to attend the 6th China International Import Expo.

Li said that China is ready to work with Serbia to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, further synergize development strategies, deepen and expand mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and constantly push the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height.

China is willing to work with Serbia to continue to firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests, cope with common challenges and defend common interests, Li added.

China is ready to enhance synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Serbia’s re-industrialization and “Serbia 2025” national strategies, implement the medium-term action plan for the Belt and Road cooperation, work for the early implementation of the China-Serbia free trade agreement, and explore new growth areas of cooperation in the digital economy, scientific and technological innovation, ecological and environmental protection, said Li.

Li also noted that the two sides should comprehensively strengthen culture, tourism, education and sports cooperation, carrying forward the traditional friendship between the two countries.

Brnabic said Serbia cherishes the comprehensive strategic partnership with China, highly appreciates China’s respect for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and firmly supports China in safeguarding its core interests.

The signing of the free trade agreement between Serbia and China opens a new chapter in bilateral relations, she said, stressing that Serbia is willing to take this opportunity to strengthen cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative and to elevate bilateral relations and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries to a new level.


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