
‘Phones are childish’: go-getting China boy, 12, who works at parents’ noodle shop after school dreams of taking brand global


The story of an ambitious 12-year-old Chinese boy who works at his parents’ restaurant every day after school and dreams of transforming it into a global brand has warmed many hearts online.

The boy, from eastern China’s Anhui province, nicknamed Niuniu, has been cooking and cleaning at his parents’ noodle shop since he was five years old, he told the Douyin influencer @Zenggezhendi last month.

In a viral video clip, Niuniu is seen skillfully using a wok like an experienced chef. He has also mastered several difficult Chinese dishes, such as ground pot chicken and ban mian-style noodles.

His mother, surnamed Wang, told another Douyin influencer @Haoshiyongge that her son learned the skills through observation.

The 12-year-old cooks, cleans and gets angry when his parents try to keep him away from the eatery. Photo: Weibo

Wang said Niuniu helped out at the diner every day after finishing his homework, including at the weekend.

She said he wakes up at 5am at the weekend to open the restaurant with them, then rests after it closes at midnight.

Both parents said they had tried to force Niuniu to rest and play, but his mother said he became angry when they did not allow him to work.

“Playing with phones and toys is childish,” Niuniu said, adding that his dream is to “sell noodles, make our diner a global brand and let my mum be the president and me the general manager.”

“My mum loves dressing up in nice clothes, so I want to make enough money for her to enjoy her lifestyle,” the boy added.

He also said that he worked at the restaurant to “share the burden of his parents”.

The story has delighted mainland social media.

“As an adult, I am ashamed that I am not half as hard-working as him,” said one person on Douyin.

“He already has a goal in life, and he makes me see that life is full of choices. You don’t have to pursue higher education to live a happy and successful life,” said another.

Through hard work and keen observation, the youngster can now handle a wok like a professional. Photo: Weibo

A third online observer added: “No child truly enjoys working, he just really cares about his parents.”

Last year, a boy, 11, and a girl, six, went viral for helping at their parents’ fried bun stall during the winter holiday.

The boy from eastern China’s Shandong province could skillfully roll five bun wrappers at a time, adding that he did not envy his classmates who played during the holiday because “it is more important to help my parents.”


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