
BBC World Service to launch emergency radio service for Gaza


The BBC will start an emergency radio service for the people of Gaza in response to the ongoing conflict in the region, the British broadcaster’s World Service arm said on Wednesday.

The programme will aim to provide those in Gaza with the latest information plus safety advice on where to access shelter, food and water supplies, said the BBC.

“BBC News Arabic are extremely well-placed to offer this vital service for the people of Gaza at a time of greatest need,” BBC World Service Director Liliane Landor said.

Produced in Cairo and London, the Gaza radio service will run one programme from November 3 and begin a second daily broadcast from November 10.

The BBC World Service, which represents the British broadcaster’s non-commercial international broadcasting services, has a previous track record of launching emergency broadcasts.


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In the summer of 2014 it launched a service for Gaza following an escalation in hostilities there.

It also launched an emergency radio service during the conflict in Sudan in May, and ran extended TV bulletins in Ukraine following the invasion of the country last year.


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